Theory Or Results

3 minutes


In the world of Feng Shui consulting today, there are tons of masters available out there, especially here in Malaysia. How about your country?

Interestingly, most people today, in some way will have enrolled in some Feng Shui courses or at least would have watched a lot of Facebook, You tube videos or joined some free sample courses etc.

Some even have learned from multiple masters and acquired many certificates over the years.

I would say almost more than 90% of the masters here advocate multiple disciplinary courses from 8 Mansion Feng Shui to Flying Star to Xuan Kong Da Gua to Dragon 8 gate ( Qian Kun Guo Bao), Yang Gong Feng Shui, San He, San Yuan Yuen Gua ( a form of Yang Gong), Golden Lock Jade Pass, San Yuan Na Jia and others. Others here including the non traditional Feng Shui methods such as Zi Wei Feng Shui, Bazi feng shui, Symbolic system, Naked Eye Feng Shui and even Qi Men feng shui etc.

Why Multiple Feng Shui Methods ?

The rationale behind is that if one system fails to answer what’s happening in the reality, then you may have another system that could possibly answer it or let’s say due to some physical constraint you could not place a bed here according to 8 Mansion, perhaps Flying Star or Yang Gong could provide some relief.

Is This True / Workable ?

If you ask me, I would say no. The very reason is very simple, there is only one truth. What you see sometimes why 2 systems will concur occasionally, I call this Coincidental Feng Shui.

If someone swears by it, ask them for at least 20 cases as prove, don’t just quote one or two coincidental cases. Then I will be satisfied that multiple methods can work seamlessly all the time.

Real Feng Shui Consulting Results

I know of one famous master here in Malaysia and this master knows many systems and nobody can dispute the fact that this master knows and teaches multiple systems of feng shui.

Today I will just talk about this master. There are a few more like this which I will share more stories in my future blogs.

Yet one very interesting fact is that over the years, this master had done multiple projects here in Malaysia and mostly in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. To my knowledge, I have a list of 12 projects. I am sure there are more than this out there. I think 12 is a good figure to convince myself.

However, I would say none of the projects turned out well, nor able to attract crowds or even some of the businesses closed down or have shrunk in size and revenue, some even became a hollow building (white elephant) for years.

I believe many people nowadays are quite well educated and I believe they a good sense of logic. How does any person reconcile these 2 observations?


The only logical conclusion is that knowing multiple feng shui methods do not guarantee you good feng shui results!

As I have mentioned, there is only 1 logical truth and that is, which is one correct system that is able to produce consistent positive results.

I believe if you are going to pay for a feng shui consultation, I am sure what you want is a positive or improved outcome and not because who and who came to this premise for a Feng shui audit correct ?

As proven over time and time and I believe my clients will agree 100% with me, when feng shui audit done correctly, the ROI always comes back in multiple folds.

Hope you learn something good today.

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